Alpine Tour ROT


8 Days

Physical rate


Starting city



April 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit: Vienna; Maribor; Ljubljana; Venice, Véneto; Verona; Lago Di Garda; Innsbruck; Zugspitze; Feldkirch; Lake Constance; Lindau; Munich; Salzburg;

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Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of Europamundo or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage)..

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

IMPORTANT: If you had additional nights upon arrival the hotel will have your reservation, but his travel guide normally will not be until the night before the start of the tour.

Welcome to Europamundo! We’ll transfer you to the hotel and you’ll have some free time. In the afternoon, you’ll find information about the start of your tour on the boards located at the hotel reception.
IMPORTANT: Please note that hotel check-in time is typically at 14:00 p.m. If you need early room access, consider booking an additional night at the start of your trip.
If you have booked additional nights, your room will be prepared upon arrival, but your trip guide will generally only contact you when the scheduled activities begin. At reception, you’ll find a sign with contact details and assistance hours for our staff. Until the tour begins, your schedule is free, and the hotel staff can assist with any inquiries.
Optional activities: During your trip, your guide may offer optional activities. We recommend booking these activities well in advance through the Europamundo app or your "My Trip" link to ensure availability. Last-minute bookings may result in limited availability (e.g., tickets, coach seats).
Note: The timings in this itinerary are indicative. The guide may adjust schedules as needed to make sure you have the best experience.
09:00 a.m. - We’ll begin our panoramic tour of Vienna, guided by a local expert. This two-and-a-half-hour tour will showcase the famous Ringstrasse, Vienna’s main boulevard, the Opera House, the exterior of the Hofburg Palace, the Prater Gardens, Belvedere Palace, and the University. The tour will end at Schönbrunn Palace, where those who wish can enter. Others will be taken back to the city center. We’ll make two stops during the tour.
07:00 p.m. - We’ll provide a transfer to Town Hall Square, where you can enjoy the evening lights and the vibrant atmosphere of the surrounding streets. Our guide will help you get oriented with the area.
09:30 p.m. - Return to the hotel.
Total distance covered: 640 km.
Scenery: Beautiful landscapes along the route crossing the Alps, with high snowy peaks, picturesque villages, and lakes.
07:30 a.m. – Departure from Vienna. We’ll enjoy lovely landscapes, starting with hills and then tall mountains in the regions of Styria and Carinthia before entering Slovenia.
11:00 a.m. – Maribor: an elegant city by the river with a castle and a cathedral. We’ll have time for a stroll and lunch. Lunch is included for passengers with half board.
01:00 p.m. – Departure from Maribor. We’ll travel through the hills to the capital of Slovenia.
02:45 p.m. - Ljubljana. The charming capital of Slovenia is a small country that has been independent since 1991. The city is nestled in the shadow of its medieval castle and has a rich history influenced by Slavs, Latins, and Germans.
04:30 p.m. – Departure from Ljubljana. After passing through mountains covered in dense forests, we’ll reach the Adriatic and enter Italy.
08:00 p.m. - Venice. We’ll stay in the metropolitan area surrounding Venice (Mestre or Marghera).
08:30 a.m. - We’ll start the day with a boat transfer to the St. Mark´s area in Venice, a city built on over 100 islands connected by bridges. We’ll include a walking tour with a local guide around the city of canals. Afterwards, we’ll visit the Murano Glass Factory to admire the technique of glass blowing. You´ll have free time afterward. In the afternoon, you may enjoy an optional gondola trip along the canals.
06:30 p.m. - We’ll transfer back to the hotel from the St. Mark´s area. You’ll have the opportunity to have dinner in the Mestre area, where you can choose from a variety of restaurants, including Indian, Oriental, Italian, and more.
Distancia total realizada: 440 km.
Paisajes: Muy hermosos paisajes desde Verona hasta el final de la etapa: Lagos, pueblos Tiroleses, altas montañas.
Notas: Lleve su cámara a mano, paisajes muy hermosos en ruta. Recomendamos llevar alguna prenda de abrigo, en ocasiones en el crucerito efectuado puede soplar el viento.
08:00 hrs. - Venecia -salida.
09:30 hrs. - Verona -Llegada. Nuestro guía le orientará sobre la ciudad de Verona, dispondrá de tiempo para conocer el gran circo romano y la hermosísima plaza delle Erbe.
11:30 hrs. - Verona -salida. Contorneamos el Lago de Garda.
12:45 hrs. - Llegamos a Malcesine, bonita población junto al lago donde tomamos un barquito para cruzar el lago y llegar a uno de los pueblos más pintorescos de su orilla.
-Limone. - Llegada a este coqueto pueblo ubicado junto al lago, con su vida comercial y sus múltiples pequeños restaurantes. Almuerzo incluido para los pasajeros en media pensión. Nuevamente embarcamos y navegamos por el lago de Garda, los Alpes se vuelcan en sus aguas, muy bonitos paisajes, cada vez más montañosos a medida que viajamos hacia el norte...
Desembarcamos en Riva de Garda y continuamos viaje hacia el Tirol.
16:30 hrs. - Riva del Garda –salida. Atravesamos los Alpes y pasamos a Austria.
20:00 hrs. - Innsbruck - Llegada.
Distancia total realizada: 155 km.
Paisajes: Bonitos paisajes de montañas,, poblaciones pintorescas con arquitectura típica.
Nota: Lleve el pasaporte a mano; puede ser solicitado al entrar en Liechtenstein.-
08:30 hrs. Innsbruck llegada. Iniciamos nuestra visita panorámica con guía local. Duración aproximada dos horas. Innsbruck se encuentra rodeada por altas cumbres de los Alpes. Caminaremos por su barrio histórico donde destaca la plaza central y el edificio del tejado de oro. Tiempo libre. Almuerzo incluido para pasajeros en media pensión.
14:00 hrs. - Innsbruck –salida-. Viajamos atravesando el Tirol hacia Liechtenstein, pequeño país independiente ubicado en las montañas entre Austria y Suiza.
16:30 hrs. - Vaduz –pequeña capital del país- , tiempo para un paseo.
18:00 hrs. - Vaduz salida .- Nuevamente pasamos a Austria.
18:30 hrs. - Feldkirch –Llegada-. En Austria, junto a la frontera con Suiza, Liechtenstein y Alemania; encantadora ciudad amurallada con hermoso casco medieval y castillo.
Distancia total realizada: 480 Km.Paisajes: Muy hermosos paisajes toda la etapa: Montañas, bosques, lagos, hermosos pueblos en ruta.
Notas: Recomendamos lleve consigo ropa de abrigo para disfrutar en la cubierta durante el paseo en barco . Los horarios en los meses de invierno serán modificados de cara a aprovechar la luz solar.
07:30 hrs Munich -Salida. Paso a Austria.
10:00 hrs Salzburgo -Llegada. Tiempo para pasear en su bellísimo centro monumental y almorzar.
13:00 hrs Salzburgo –salida-. Seguimos pequeñas carreteras que nos permiten disfrutar de magníficos paisajes entre montañas y lagos.
14:00 hrs . - St. Wolfgang . Lugar de peregrinación en hermoso pueblo junto a lago.
15:00 hrs St. Wolfgang –salida-.
15:45 hrs . - Traunkirchen – Llegada-. Embarcamos aquí para realizar un pequeño crucero en este bonito lago entre montañas. Divisamos los cuatro castillos del lago. Duración del crucero aproximadamente 45 minutos.
16:30 hrs Gmunden , desembarcamos en esta población y continuamos nuestra ruta hacia la capital de Austria.
20:30 hrs .- Viena –Llegada-.
Our journey will come to an end, leaving you with wonderful and lasting memories.
Please, check the time of your flight in case you might need an additional night. Our guide will advise you on the best public transportation for your transfers.
If you need to book an external service (like a plane or train) on the last day of your tour, which includes activities, please note that the detailed itineraries are based on "planned" schedules and could be affected by various factors such as traffic, customer delays, mechanical issues, etc. It´s advisable not to book a flight or train with a tight schedule without considering these factors. Always allocate extra time in your schedule for unexpected events.

Map Tour


From USD 1,314.00 EUR 1,095.00